Solutions for forward-looking PBS stations
Upgrade your storytelling capabilities with the leading media platform for unified content operations and collaborative workflows!
Leverage your station’s content across all platforms
Connect with today’s audiences where they are
Support membership and fundraising’s growth
Dalet’s all-in-one solution enables PBS stations to streamline multimedia productions, content preparation and multiplatform distribution for news, radio, long-form programs such as education and lifestyle series.
This solution brief looks at how PBS stations can benefit from Dalet’s all-in-one media management solution. Following an overview of the solution’s key capabilities, from multimedia production to content preparation and multi-platform distribution, explore selected customer stories and use cases of PBS stations who successfully transformed into vibrant media powerhouse thanks to Dalet technology.
A single platform for unified content operations
Discover how leading PBS stations leverage Dalet to:
- Build transversal media supply chain and workflow initiatives to decouple content creation from content distribution
- Improve workflow consistency and connect all workgroups, including those typically siloed from the workflow, into a unified digital chain of operations
- Tackle the challenge of multi-platform distribution, simplifying production, versioning, and delivery to multiple outlets such as TV, radio, online, OTT, and social media
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