As CEO of Dalet, I believe my mission extends beyond propelling the company to the forefront as a thought and solution leader within the news, media & entertainment, and sports content landscape. I am equally dedicated to championing the values of inclusive leadership, an area where I feel this industry is significantly challenged. A glance through the corridors of major industry events, such as NAB, highlights the significant effort required to achieve workforce diversity across numerous companies, including ours, not only from a gender and age perspective, but also with other underrepresented collectives such as the LGBTQ+ community and people of diverse ethnic origin.

My commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) has set the stage for a series of initiatives that will not only redefine our corporate culture, but also contribute to the industry’s overall minority imbalance. As we make space for everyone to express their unique identity, we will work on building a workforce that encompasses everyone, irrespective of their gender, age, ethnicity or sexual orientation. Supporting them in their journey has shown me the profound importance of diverse perspectives.

Having implemented inclusion practices throughout my career, I am confident these plans will positively impact Dalet’s employees, customers, and the industry as a whole.

Why DE&I matters

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are not just buzzwords for me; they are principles that I hold dear, both professionally and personally. Being a father to five daughters, I have a vested interest in seeing a world where opportunities and career paths are not defined by gender, age or cultural background, but by talent and effort. Over the years, I have mentored women of all ages in business, especially mid-career professionals aspiring to rise to C-level positions. Supporting them in their journey has shown me the profound importance of diverse perspectives.

If a team consists of five people who all think the same way, then four of them are redundant. A diverse team brings various viewpoints and experiences to the table, fostering creativity and innovation. It’s not just about race or gender; it’s about different life experiences and perspectives that challenge the status quo and drive progress.

Despite significant strides, inequality persists. Glass ceilings are real, and wage disparities for the same roles still exist. Moreover, the language used during recruitment processes can either attract a diverse pool of candidates or inadvertently exclude them. This is why I am passionate about ensuring that our hiring practices are as inclusive as possible, attracting people from all walks of life.

State of DE&I in the Media Technology Industry

My observations at industry events, particularly the 2024 NAB Show (my first), have been disheartening. The lack of diversity is alarming and something we cannot simply accept. Unfortunately, and despite multiple initiatives such as RISE and Women in Streaming Media, it is well known that the media technology industry has a poor track record with regards to DE&I. We need to create more opportunities and foster environments that allow for diverse participation.

The reasons for this lack of diversity are multifaceted. However, one significant factor is the absence of inclusive recruitment strategies that reach out to talent from varied backgrounds. By not addressing this, we are missing out on a wealth of untapped potential from across multiple collectives that could revolutionize our industry.

Our DE&I Plans at Dalet

As we celebrate Pride Month, I am deeply committed to creating a more inclusive and diverse workplace at Dalet. This includes increasing the representation of LGBTQ+ individuals and people of diverse ethnic backgrounds and ages within our team. With the unwavering support of Dalet’s Chief People Officer, Delphine Vantours, as the enabler for this journey, we are implementing a number of specific initiatives:

  • Enhanced Parental Leave: We have increased paid leave to twelve weeks globally for primary caregivers, and offer three weeks of leave for secondary caregivers. This move reflects our commitment to supporting our employees’ family lives
  • Inclusive Recruitment: We are revising our job specifications to ensure that the language used is inclusive and welcoming to candidates from all backgrounds. This includes using gender-neutral language and highlighting our commitment to diversity. In addition, we are committed to always including a woman in our hiring team and are actively working to enhance diversity within our leadership team.
  • Empowering Employees: Every female employee will be encouraged to join RISE and Women in Streaming Media, participate in their events, and take advantage of their offerings. We will continue supporting diversity groups financially within the industry. This will help them grow professionally and personally.
  • Mentorship: We will foster a culture of mentorship, supporting both mentors and mentees, throughout the organization. I will personally mentor individuals both within Dalet and externally, through programs such as RISE and Women in Streaming Media, helping to guide the next generation of diverse leaders.
  • Individual Sponsorship: This practice, which I’ve been engaged in for years, involves championing and recommending individuals for future opportunities, thereby advancing their careers based solely on their talent and abilities.
  • Diverse Panels: We are committed to having diverse panels at industry events, ensuring female representation with a variety of perspectives.
  • Volunteering Opportunities: Every employee at Dalet now has one day per year to volunteer for a cause they believe in. This initiative fosters community engagement and allows our employees to contribute positively to society.

I know there is much more we can do, but this is a good foundation.

The Future is Diverse

I’ve witnessed the profound effect that such practices can have on a company’s workforce, its clients, and the wider industry, and I’m excited to see the impact within Dalet. Studies show that diversity enhances business performance by bringing in better talent, improving decision-making, and increasing brand equity. But beyond the business benefits, it’s simply the right thing to do. Whether it’s providing a safe space for the LGBTQ+ community, ensuring equal opportunities for all genders and ages, or empowering people of diverse cultural inheritance, our goal is to ensure that everyone feels that they belong.

Diversity matters. We all have a role to play in creating a more inclusive world, and at Dalet, we are committed to making meaningful changes in our corner of the industry.

If you believe in the value of diversity and inclusion, share this article and let’s start a dialogue that can lead to positive change. Contact us to share other successful initiatives that have made a significant change to any organization.

Featured in: Change | Dalet | DE&I | Diversity | Empowerment | Equity | Inclusion | Organisation |

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By Santiago Solanas

Santiago Solanas, CEO of Dalet, brings extensive leadership experience from top tech firms like IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Sage, and Cisco. Passionate about transforming businesses through technology and teamwork, Santiago has a proven track record of driving growth and innovation.

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