Aligning Newsroom Technology with Story-Centric Workflows
Discover how you can empower your digital teams to break stories independent of broadcasts through centralized, story-centric newsroom technology
Discover how you can empower your digital teams to break stories independent of broadcasts through centralized, story-centric newsroom technology
The term ‘story-centric’ represents a fundamental shift in news production. Simply put, story-centric centers planning around the story itself, departing from traditional, linear news production that focuses planning on broadcast time slots and rundowns. A story-centric approach still includes linear news production, but subsumes it into a wider framework that’s also able to accommodate online,…
As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to advance, detecting the authenticity of digital content is increasingly difficult. With deepfake scams growing more sophisticated, the role of content provenance is critical to prevent misinformation.
The New Normal for News The news industry has been through significant changes over the past century. The dominance of television news has been undeniable in the last 65 years; no other mass communication medium has effectively challenged the power of watching news on a TV screen… until recently. In 2020, a study indicated that,…
News has shifted into an entirely new era. Paraded in by the ease of access and the speed at which information is spread locally and globally, this new era of news is defined by the minute-by-minute commentary audiences can receive on almost any device, at any time. With more channels and formats to tell stories,…